Thursday, December 23, 2010

More expensive security service?

Have you heard the news? Next year onwards, we might have no choice but to pay a much more expensive rate for security service for our taman!

This is according to the budget 2011 tabled by Datuk Seri Najib where the minimum wage is RM500, and the allowance at RM7.50 per hour. Compare that to the current rate of RM5.50 that we are paying now! That's almost a 50% increase!

On Tuesday we have had a meeting with FWG, and they did promise to look over this matter and to come out with a solution for us, perhaps by adding more value to us. However currently they still have a lot to improve on!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jemputan ke Program Komuniti Rakyat

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Persatuan dan pihak Surau Nurul Ikhlas bersama-sama menganjurkan program tersebut di atas pada masa dan tempat yang berikut:

Tarikh : 11hb Disember 2010
Masa : 7:30 pagi
Tempat : Halaman Surau

Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan peluang kepada penduduk untuk memahami tugas Perbadanan dan Jabatan Kerajaan yang terlibat. Para penduduk digalakkan untuk mengambil peluang untuk menyertai program-program menarik yang telah disediakan.

Antara perbadanan dan jabatan kerajaan yang mengambil bahagian termasuklah:
  • Polis Diraja Malaysia
  • Jabatan Bomba
  • Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan
  • KPJ HealthCare
  • Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya, dll
Antara program menarik yang disediakan termasuk Program Motivasi Remaja dan Ceramah Ma'al Hijrah pada waktu malam. Aturcara program adalah seperti berikut:
  • 7:30 pagi - Senamrobik
  • 8:00 - 10:00 pagi - Sukan Tradisional (dewasa dan kanak-kanak)
  • 10:00 - 1:00 tengahari - Pameran Agensi Kerajaan
  • 1:00 - 1:30 tengahari - Solat Zohor
  • 3:00 - 4:00 petang - Ceramah Motivasi Remaja
  • 4:35 - 5:00 petang - Solat Asar
  • 7:05 - 7:20 malam - Solat Maghrib
  • 7:20 - 8:20 malam - Tazkirah Ma'al Hijrah
  • 8:20 - 8:50 malam - Solat Isya'
  • 9:00 - 9:45 malam - Jamuan
Adalah diharapkan para penduduk dapat meluangkan masa untuk menghadiri program ini. Kami percaya bahawa program ini akan dapat memberikan faedah kepada seluruh komuniti Pusat Bandar Putra Permai.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Guarded neighbourhoods: Only Malaysian, Nepalese guards allowed

Excerpt from The Star today:

Only Malaysians and Nepalese employed by licensed security companies are allowed to be guards at guarded neighbourhoods, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Chor Chee Heung told Parliament Tuesday.

He said according to the ministry's Gated Community and Guarded Neighbourhood guidelines introduced in September this year, security guards of other nationalities were not allowed to work at these neighbourhood.

"They must also be able to speak in Bahasa Malaysia or English to work as security guards at these housing schemes," he said.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Report card - April 2010 to Oct 2010

Time flies! A lot has happened during the last period that warrants a full write up on this blog. Let's start with the important stuffs - the security service.

We have changed the service of the security company to FWG Security in August this year. There are some good and bad points about this company, but the reason is that we wanted to make sure we do not rest on our laurels and keep on improving. We must admit that there are still a lot of room for improvements with FWG, but at least we see something new. We have created a four-point clocking-system around the perimeter of the taman, something like this:

This is to make sure that the guards perform their round securing the important areas around the taman. You might see them on their rounds sometimes, but not hear them anymore, because they are supposed to be using bicycles.

The biggest change you might notice will most probably be the guard house. We have spend the biggest sum on rebuilding a more prominent and permanent guard house. Some might argue the usefulness of this guard house, but it serves a few purposes:
  1. To house the security guards in a safe environment so that they can perform their duties better.
  2. To improve the overall image of this taman. That means that you can now sell / rent your property at a higher value!
  3. As a basis for creating an automatic barrier system in the long run.

Along with the guard house, we have also created a few road bumps around the taman. Most of them come from the bank account of the association.

The building of the bumps are obvious, to stop those speeding demons from knocking down a few cats, cars, or worse, children. The traffic situation around the guard house, especially in the morning, can be very harzardous. The creation of the bumps should create peace of mind among residents. Total amount spend on the guard house including pipings and the bumps is RM 17,500. Please approach your nearest friendly neighbourhood wakil jalan for further breakdown of the price.

These are just the beginning. In the next collection period we wish to improve on the surroundings on the taman and make this a more safer and secure place to live in. In the meantime do tell us what we can do to improve.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nombor kecemasan

Ada kecemasan di rumah anda? Perlukan bantuan segera? Anda tiada di rumah? Anda sekarang boleh menghubungi nombor ini untuk mendapatkan bantuan.

016-355 5567

Perhatian: Perkhidmatan ini hanya untuk ahli BPP4 yang telah memberikan yuran keselamatan dengan lengkap.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Please watch the watchmen

Pihak AJK telah menerima pelbagai aduan bahawa para pegawai keselamatan tidak menjalankan tugas mereka dengan baik. Ada yang tidur, ada yang tidak menghalang kenderaan yang tiada pelekat kenderaan, ada juga yang tidak berada di tempat mereka. Kami juga mendapat beberapa bukti dalam bentuk gambar (dihantar melalui MMS) kepada kami. Pihak syarikat keselamatan (FWG) telah dimaklumkan dan beberapa orang pegawai keselamatan telah digantikan.

Tanggungjawab memerhatikan prestasi pegawai keselamatan tidak hanya diletak kepada para AJK sahaja. Kami juga perlukan kerjasama semua penduduk untuk menolong memerhatikan pengawal keselamatan ini. Jesteru itu, watch the watchmen!

Jika anda mendapati sebarang kesalahan pihak pengawal ini, harap anda dapat mencatatkan sebanyak mungkin maklumat kesalahan mereka ini, masa, tempat, apa yang salah. Anda juga boleh menangkap gambar atau video kesalahan ini dan hantarkan kepada mana-mana AJK anda yang terdekat. Kami akan memastikan pihak FWG mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

Selamat Hari Raya diucapkan kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat yang menyambut Hari Raya pada hari ini. Maaf zahir dan batin jika terdapat apa-apa kesilapan yang dibuat oleh pihak AJK. Jika anda mempunyai perancangan untuk balik ke kampung halaman, sila pastikan bahawa rumah anda dikunci dengan rapat. Kalau boleh tinggalkan lampu menyala di bahagian depan dan belakang rumah untuk tujuan keselamatan. Anda juga boleh meninggalkan nombor telefon kepada jiran atau pegawai keselamatan sekiranya meninggalkan rumah anda untuk tempoh yang panjang.

Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri! ;-)

Friday, September 3, 2010

New guidelines for gated scheme

Today's news revealed a new set of guidelines for gated community such as ours. However this may not affect us directly as it mentions that existing gated community are exempted from this ruling. Some highlights from the rulings are:

1. Ensuring a permanent guide house and boom gate.
2. Pricing shall be determined by the community.
3. The community have no rights to prevent others from entering any school (kindergarten?) or playground in our area.
4. Must obtain a higher percentage of the community before a guarded community can be implemented.
5. Roads are privately owned. This should also include any construction of speed bumps in our area

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pondok Pengawal Baru

Ini untuk memaklumkan bahawa pondok pengawal akan dirobohkan bermula esok. Tugas membina pondok yang baru akan bermula selepas perobohan ini. Projek ini dijangka mengambil masa 2 minggu.

Dalam masa ini kemungkinan besar keadaan trafik di kawasan masuk akan diganggu. Diharap penduduk bersabar dalam masa 2 minggu ini.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Syarikat Keselamatan Baru Esok

Syarikat baru keselamatan baru akan mengambil alih tugas daripada DNS Sekuriti Sdn Bhd pada pagi esok, 8 pagi. Syarikat baru tersebut ialah FreightWatch G Patomotoh Security Services Sdn Bhd (FWG). Proses pemilihan dan pengundian telah diadakan pada 28 Julai 2010. (Lihat

Alasan paling penting penukaran ini adalah pegawai keselamatan yang lewa dalam menjalankan tugas di taman kita. Kereta yang tiada pelekat RA masih diberikan laluan tanpa sebarang tindakan oleh pegawai keselamatan.

Disebabkan penukaran ini, dijangkakan bahawa kereta yang masih tiada pelekat rasmi akan mengalami kesulitan memasuki taman kita. Oleh itu mereka yang masih belum membuat pembayaran yuran keselamatan, sila berbuat demikian secepat mungkin.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Meeting last night - important decisions made

The meeting last night was a very fruitful one. A few very crucial decisions were made. Here are some of the highlights from the meeting:

1. Representatives from 3 security firms showed up to give their presentations. They were:
a. FreightWatch G Patomotoh Security Services Sdn Bhd
b. Metro Security Services Sdn Bhd
c. Cheras Corperation Sdn Bhd

Their merits were evaluated based on their track record, their Standard Operating Procedure (if any), security feature and of course, price. A vote was cast and tabulated. We will get the new security firm in as soon as August.

Therefore, if you have not paid up your security fees, please be reminded to make that payment as soon as possible to avoid any complication when entering the taman.

2. We have also decided to go ahead with the demolition of the existing guard house and build a more permanent guard house. Again we have proposals from 3 construction firms with their various quotes and features:
a. AGM Renovation Enterprise
b. Dasar Warta Sdn Bhd
c. Iqbal Holding Sdn Bhd
A vote was cast, and we have decided to go ahead with this project. The money for this construction will come from our own sinking fund.

3. Road humps to be built at the busy junctions at the entrance to deter drivers from going too fast. There was no official quotations that we have received, however we shall go ahead to take the most cost effective solution.

For more details, please refer to the meeting minutes from your nearest AJK.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Meeting tonight - Security Selection

Sorry for last minute update. There will be a meeting tonight to discuss about the selection of the new security firm for our taman. Everyone, including members of the taman, are encouraged to participate in the selection. For more info, please call me at 012-xxxxxxxx

Edit : Meeting is over, a few important decisions were made

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Coming meeting

There will be an important meeting this coming Tuesday, 29 June. Tentatively the place will be at No 1, Jalan BPP 4/4, 9 pm. The meeting will be the selection process of the proposed new security company, therefore your participation is highly appreciated. Any members of the community is welcomed.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More jams in store for motorists in Serdang

Found this article on StarProperty about the development in and around our taman:

Anyway I copy the content here, in case the link goes bad in the future:


ONGOING development along Jalan Putra Permai and the Damansara-Puchong Highway (LDP) is expected to worsen the traffic condition at the Serdang interchange, which is already congested during peak hours.

According to traffic studies, traffic from the development projects is estimated to be 15,000 pcu/hr (vehicles per hour).

The residential and commercial units are expected to generate 8,000 and 7,000 vehicles per hour, respectively.

Pang Kon Shing, who lives in Kota Perdana, said heavy road usage and upcoming developments were the contributing factors for traffic jams at the interchange.

“Nowadays, the congestions begins even before 7am.

“I saw a sign near the Taman Equine Jusco stating that a hypermarket would be built there. I also heard that another hypermarket is expected to build a branch here as well. These will definitely cause more congestion.

“I hope that the roads can be widened to accommodate more traffic,” the 52-year-old machine operator said.

Pinggiran Putra resident David Santana, who frequently uses the interchange when travelling to Putrajaya, Puchong and Kajang, said overdevelopment was among the causes for the traffic congestion.

“There’s too much development going on in the area and the roads are too narrow.

“During peak hours, the interchange will be choked up and the queue can stretch for up to 1km,

“Impatient motorists who try to cut the queue only add to the mess,” the 41-year-old businessman said.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summary of latest RA meeting 10 June 2010

Here is a summary of what was discussed during the last RA meeting :

1. Biggest problem is still the guards at the guard house who still let in cars without valid stickers. There are a lot of foreigners too who work as our guards, which means communication problems with the residents.

2. Decided that we must change the security firm as soon as possible. Target 1st August to start new security company. Will be getting quotations from Duta (previous company) and also other companies if any. Ant interested security firms are encouraged to submit their quotations to the RA.

3. Security concerns. There was an attempted break-in in Jalan BPP 4/2 last month. Thanks to the security guards, they were unsuccessful. Nobody was hurt, but they did manage break the motorcycle lights of the guards. There is actually a "rumah kongsi" located on top of the hills on the west of our taman. Will write to the immigration department to help eradicate these illegal immigrants.

4. Are you aware of the garbage truck making their rounds in our taman at about 3-4 in the morning? They are a nuisance. If you see them, please get their contact number so that we can take further action.

5. Project to make speed bumps at the end of the road of Jalan BPP 4/1 and 4/2 heading towards the main entrance. Again, if you know of any contractors, please contact the RA.

6. A resident highlighted the case of illegal contractors who claim they represent MPSJ to check gas tank. Thank you KLlee22 for highlighting this. There are also reported case of a pork seller making their rounds in the taman. We will need to come up with a guideline of who can come into our taman, and who cannot.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Kutipan Yuran Keselamatan Penggal Mei 2010 - Okt 2010

Ingin dimaklumkan bahawa kutipan yuran keselamatan akan bermula. Seperti biasa yuran yang perlu dibayar ialah RM300 yang akan termasuk satu pelekat kereta percuma. Pelekat kereta yang seterusnya akan dikenakan bayaran RM3 sekeping.

Tag rumah akan ditukar pada penggal ini. Sila bekerjasama dengan wakil jalan anda masing-masing untuk menukarkan tag rumah ini.

Cara pembayaran yang diterima adalah cek dan tunai sahaja. Resit rasmi persatuan penduduk akan diedarkan sebaik sahaja pembayaran telah dibuat.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mesyuarat Agung Persatuan BPP4 kedua

The second annual AGM was conducted successfully, although with much lower turnout this year compared to last year. Issues that were discussed today were pertaining with the new security, our activities for the pass year, and discussion about the land titles, among other things. We have also dissolved the previous RA committee and selected a batch of new members. There were also a lot of constructive suggestions from members of the taman.

The tent where we had our AGM. Thank goodness it did not rain!

Registration process going on.

Garangnya Encik Haq! Tabung kutipan untuk AGM. We appreciate all the donations we can get.

Pengerusi majlis menyampaikan beberapa patah kata dalam mandarin, "我不会讲华语"! "Saya tidak boleh bercakap dalam mandarin, kalau ada sebarang silap, sila memohon maaf!"

Maaf ya, saya tak boleh bertutur dalam bahasa hindi!

Penyampaian ucapan oleh Encik Zolkefli, Pengerusi Pesatuan Penduduk BPP4 tahun lepas.

Proses pencalonan dan pengundian sedang dijalankan

Ahli jawatankuasa yang baru. Sebenarnya ramai yang terdiri daripada ahli tahun yang lepas.

Sistem PA diderma oleh Encik Kumar.

Bendahari tahun lalu, Encik Nuzul

Encik Ng

Ada soalan untuk ditujukan kepada sekalian

Thanks for all the donations!

Masa untuk makan!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mesyuarat Agung Kedua

Harap dimaklum bahawa mesyuarat agung Persatuan Penduduk akan diadakan pada 11 April 2010 di taman permainan kanak-kanak pada 9:30 pagi. Diharap para penduduk dapat hadir untuk memberikan pendapat dan juga mengemukakan sebarang cadangan atau aduan.

New roads in our taman

Anybody been noticing new road names in our taman lately?

Yes, they are 4/9 and 4/10. These are all existing roads in our taman. The RA is not the one responsible for the names. We guess these are from MPSJ itself.

So anyone want to volunteer to be wakil jalan for these two roads? :P

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


It has come to our knowledge that there has been a lot of people playing football in our playground area. We would like to remind everyone again that the area is a strictly NOT for playing football. If you notice the round concrete blocks scattered around the area, it is used to prevent people from playing football in the area.

There is a valid reason not to play football there. The most important reason is the proximity of the field to the houses and cars nearby. There has been reports of damage to the cars and property around the field. Also you will also note the damage done to the fencing and the trees nearby.

Note the damage to the fencing.

The footballs approaching the fencing at high speed!

Also you will also note that the area is reserved for playing badminton. If you are playing football there, you are effectively depriving the chance for other people who wants to play badminton there.

Appreciate all your cooperation not to play football at the area. If you still want to play football, please do so outside of the taman. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Appreciate more feedback

It has now almost been half-a-year since we have engaged the new security DNS for our taman. We have received quite a lot of feedbacks, both positive and negative. How have they performed compared to the previous security company?

Let's be fair, if we were to compare to Duta (the previous company), they did not do all that bad. If we were to talk about they letting both registered and unregistered vehicles into our taman, Duta is also guilty of the same thing. In fact DNS may have the upper hand in a sense that they had better managed the flow of traffic at the gate (my personal opinion anyway). Also DNS provided their service at a much cheaper rate compared to Duta, relieving some of the financial burden to the residents. (If you need to know the details of the cost, please contact any one of the AJK.)

We will be having a dialogue with DNS Security soon. Venue, time and date to be determined. If you have any doubts or questions, we would really welcome your participation. Or if you choose to remain anonymous, you may write your questions here so that we can post your questions to them.

So what do think after 6 months of their service? Do let us know.