Friday, July 13, 2012

Penduduk yang agresif

Pihak AJK mendapat aduan bahawa terdapat penduduk yang bertindak kasar terhadap pengawal keselamatan dan juga ahli AJK. Perlu ditekankan bahawa kesemua penduduk tersebut tidak membuat bayaran yuran keselamatan dan jesteru itu bukan ahli Persatuan Penduduk Jalan BPP 4.

Di sini dilampirkan senarai nombor rumah yang berkelakuan biadap:

Jalan BPP 4/1, No 10
Jalan BPP 4/2, No 7
Jalan BPP 4/3, No 7, 12
Jalan BPP 4/5, No 12, 19, 21, 27
Jalan BPP 4/6, No 23
Jalan BPP 4/7, No 6, 9, 12, 20, 38
Jalan BPP 4/8, No 19

Sila faham bahawa tindakan pengawal keselamatan mendapatkan butiran daripada kereta yang tidak mempunyai pelekat kenderaan adalah demi keselamatan semua penduduk di taman ini semata-mata. Diharapkan bahawa penduduk tersebut dapat mengawal tingkah-laku mereka dan bekerjasama dengan pengawal dan juga para AJK.


  1. Penduduk yang tidak biadapJuly 14, 2012 at 2:09 PM

    this is so annoying and disrespect to the neighbourhood community... I hope AJK and security guards can be patient and I just want to say that I really appreciate your work and undersand the difficulties. Well done and keep it up!

  2. Penduduk yang prihatinJuly 14, 2012 at 2:13 PM

    One suggestion is to have this blog and updates in Facebook. I believe there are many of us using that social site and it's easy to comment, update ,etc. thru the site.
    Just a suggestion for AJK to consider, thanks!

  3. This is actually a very good idea! I have just created an FB page. I will update and post in here

  4. Penduduk yang gembiraJuly 20, 2012 at 10:28 AM

    Thank you Jacky!
    You are really efficient. *Like*

  5. dear jacky before you post my house no you should clerify with me what happen that day . i am very dissapointed with your act , you post someting with out cleryfy with me pls call me before i concider my next step my contact no 0173816169 i am mr morli

  6. Dear En Morli, thank you for your clarification. You will not be branded as penduduk agresif, However I can't edit this post. But rest assured that your name has been cleared.
