Monday, April 21, 2014

Kutipan Penggal Mei 2014

The new term for collection has begun. Please liase with your nearest Wakil Jalan for payments. As usual the payment remains at RM360 for May until October 2014. Payments before 15 May 2014 will entitle you for 2 free car stickers
If the rate of collection is good, we will be able to do more projects!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Sekuriti baru

Today marks the last day of service for ASAS Security. There will be a new security company, Metro Security starting tomorrow, 12 April 2014, 7 am

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Random survey

A few dozen families here in our Taman has been randomly selected by the Institut Kesihatan Umum (IKU) to conduct a survey on the National Health and Morbidity. They will ask questions regarding your eating habits, as well as your stats (height, weight and waist line measurement). The information is considered PnC and is only used for research purposes.
They will only come visit you at night. They will come within these week itself, including weekends.
If you have any doubts, please call the NHMS 2014 Operation Centre at 03-2297 9595