Time flies! A lot has happened during the last period that warrants a full write up on this blog. Let's start with the important stuffs - the security service.
We have changed the service of the security company to FWG Security in August this year. There are some good and bad points about this company, but the reason is that we wanted to make sure we do not rest on our laurels and keep on improving. We must admit that there are still a lot of room for improvements with FWG, but at least we see something new. We have created a four-point clocking-system around the perimeter of the taman, something like this:

This is to make sure that the guards perform their round securing the important areas around the taman. You might see them on their rounds sometimes, but not hear them anymore, because they are supposed to be using bicycles.
The biggest change you might notice will most probably be the guard house. We have spend the biggest sum on rebuilding a more prominent and permanent guard house. Some might argue the usefulness of this guard house, but it serves a few purposes:
- To house the security guards in a safe environment so that they can perform their duties better.
- To improve the overall image of this taman. That means that you can now sell / rent your property at a higher value!
- As a basis for creating an automatic barrier system in the long run.
Along with the guard house, we have also created a few road bumps around the taman. Most of them come from the bank account of the association.

The building of the bumps are obvious, to stop those speeding demons from knocking down a few cats, cars, or worse, children. The traffic situation around the guard house, especially in the morning, can be very harzardous. The creation of the bumps should create peace of mind among residents. Total amount spend on the guard house including pipings and the bumps is RM 17,500. Please approach your nearest friendly neighbourhood wakil jalan for further breakdown of the price.
These are just the beginning. In the next collection period we wish to improve on the surroundings on the taman and make this a more safer and secure place to live in. In the meantime do tell us what we can do to improve.