Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mesyuarat Agung Persatuan BPP4 kedua

The second annual AGM was conducted successfully, although with much lower turnout this year compared to last year. Issues that were discussed today were pertaining with the new security, our activities for the pass year, and discussion about the land titles, among other things. We have also dissolved the previous RA committee and selected a batch of new members. There were also a lot of constructive suggestions from members of the taman.

The tent where we had our AGM. Thank goodness it did not rain!

Registration process going on.

Garangnya Encik Haq! Tabung kutipan untuk AGM. We appreciate all the donations we can get.

Pengerusi majlis menyampaikan beberapa patah kata dalam mandarin, "我不会讲华语"! "Saya tidak boleh bercakap dalam mandarin, kalau ada sebarang silap, sila memohon maaf!"

Maaf ya, saya tak boleh bertutur dalam bahasa hindi!

Penyampaian ucapan oleh Encik Zolkefli, Pengerusi Pesatuan Penduduk BPP4 tahun lepas.

Proses pencalonan dan pengundian sedang dijalankan

Ahli jawatankuasa yang baru. Sebenarnya ramai yang terdiri daripada ahli tahun yang lepas.

Sistem PA diderma oleh Encik Kumar.

Bendahari tahun lalu, Encik Nuzul

Encik Ng

Ada soalan untuk ditujukan kepada sekalian

Thanks for all the donations!

Masa untuk makan!